Baking Class


New World Bread Making With Tangzhong 2 軟Q湯種+自製酵母麵包基礎課程二

Skills Future Claimable

No futher details.

条款和条件 (Terms and Conditions)

只有注册並付费的學習者才能參與课程。(Only learners who register and pay can participate in the course.)
请参阅下面的烘焙课程以了解退款及課程政策。(Please see Baking Classes below for refund and class policies.)

上课準時开始。如果课程已经开始20分钟或更长时间,迟到者将禁止進入烘焙工作室中學習,並且不会退款。(Class starts on time. If the class has started 20 minutes or more later, latecomers will not be allowed into the baking studio and no refund will be given.)

所有剩余的成分和工具都应保留在烘焙工作室中,不可帶回。(All remaining ingredients and tools should remain in the baking studio and may not be taken back.)

参与學習者需要在上课期间和下课后清洗所使用之器材,並期望每个参与者进行一般的工作台内务整理。 (Participating learners are required to clean equipment used during and after class, and each participant is expected to perform general workbench housekeeping.​ )

在 RedMan 烘焙工作室的任何烘焙课程或活动期间,我们的员工可能会为我们的广告、宣传或赞助目的拍摄活动的照片或视频图像。(During any baking class or event at RedMan Baking Studio, our staff may take photographs or video images of the event for our advertising, publicity or sponsorship purposes.)

 如果您不希望被包括在内,请在課程开始前以书面形式通知我们,否则您不可撤销或放弃您现在或将来可能拥有的任何和所有权利,包括但不限于您在版权下的任何权利 按照可能不时修订或任何司法管辖区的任何类似法律行事,并承认 RedMan Baking Studio 有权在所有媒体和格式中使用您的照片和录音,包括不限于 RedMan Baking Studio 的网站、广告 、宣传或赞助。(If you do not wish to be included, please notify us in writing before the course begins, otherwise you irrevocably waive or waive any and all rights you may have now or in the future, including without limitation any rights you may have under copyright in accordance with or any similar laws in any jurisdiction as may be amended from time to time and acknowledge that RedMan Baking Studio has the right to use your photos and recordings in all media and formats, including without limitation RedMan Baking Studio's website, advertising, publicity or sponsorship.)

预订可以退款吗?(Are reservations refundable?)

所有已确认的预订均不予退还。您可以在原班的30天内转到另一班,或发送替代参加者。(All confirmed bookings are non-refundable. You may transfer to another class within 30 days of the original class, or send a replacement participant.)

要发送替代参与者,请至少在上课前24小时通过电子邮件通知客户服务。(To send a substitute participant, please notify Customer Service via email at least 24 hours before class.)

要转到另一堂课,请在上课前24小时联系客服。例如课程将于周二上午9.30开始,请在周一上午9点​​之前通过电子邮件发送。(To transfer to another class, please contact customer service 24 hours before class. For example the course starts at 9.30am on Tuesday, please email before 9am on Monday. )

对于周末课程,请在星期五下午5点之前将您的打算告知客户服务。(For weekend courses, please inform customer service of your intentions before 5pm on Friday.)

无人上课的学生不予退款。(No refunds will be given to students who do not attend class.)


班级取消 (Class cancellation)

如果教师身体不适,可以在上课前或下课日取消课程。(If a teacher is unwell, classes may be canceled before class begins or on the end of the day.)

如果取消课程,将发送一封电子邮件通知取消。将全额退款 (If a course is canceled, an email notification of cancellation will be sent. A full refund will be given)


Chef Kevin
